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Martina Janevska


Access granted: How learning about security can make you better developer

The Internet is not a safe place. As technology evolves, so do vulnerabilities and when you are developing software you have to take security into consideration from the very first lines of code. Is it possible to keep yourself informed about the latest attack techniques and vulnerabilities affecting your platform?

Most of the development patterns, practices and platforms that are used in web development share a common ground, which makes them prone to similar issues. Even if you are able to develop software with the right functionality and performance, it is not guaranteed that it is also secure.

Join this session to find out how you can apply security principles to your work and hear web development tips from Martina, who has built her security mindset while working alongside the world’s top ethical hackers. The talk will cover topics such as validation, scalability, and SEO, combining best practices with examples of security pitfalls, helping you to confidently tackle vulnerabilities and write better code.

Martina Janevska

Martina Janevska is a software engineer at Detectify, an automated security service for finding and monitoring website vulnerabilities. Being a developer in a company like Detectify developing software where security is a must was a completely new challenge. Shifting towards a security-oriented mindset is not easy, but it’s definitely achievable. Martina believes that being open to learning is the key to becoming a better developer and is eager to share her insights and make the internet a safer place.